Attending events
You name the event, we have the solution. Concerts, weddings, sporting games, graduations, conferences, trade shows, and more.

How GotTheTest can help
Enjoy your event with the peace of mind that all attendees have gone through a Covid screening process to minimize exposures.
It's simple. Send your guest list the sign-up link. Creating an account takes under a minute.
Our most used Fit-to-Attend criteria are proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test result with a short symptom survey.
Once you define your custom Fit-to-Attend criteria, your entire guest list will be required to provide their information beforing attending the event.
The automated Fit-to-Attend report will have a simple Y/N next to attendees' names to show if they are cleared for the event based on your custom criteria.

A healthcare solutions platform that cares
We all have unique needs to keep ourselves and the people around us safe and healthy. Start with one of our common use cases to find out how GotTheTest makes living life easier, especially through the pandemic.